Sociologist Nicole Bedera reports on her disturbing year-long participant observation of a large university’s Title IX office.

Show Notes

Tulane Climate Survey

Lombardi, Kirsten.  2014. “Reporter’s Toolkit: Investigating Sexual Assault on Your Campus.”  Center for Public Integrity.


White House Report It’s on Us

Down Girl

Philosopher Kate Manne coined the term himpathy in Down Girl.

Holland KJ, Hutchison EQ, Ahrens CE, Torres MG. 2021.  “Reporting is Not Supporting: Why Mandatory Supporting, Not Mandatory Reporting, Must Guide University Sexual Misconduct Policies.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Science,that%20will%20better%20support%20survivors.


Proposed federal bill to forgive student loan debt of sexual assault survivors


Know Your IX.  2021. “The Cost of Reporting: Perpetrator Retaliation, Institutional Betrayal, and Student Survivor Pushout.”


California law now has campus sexual assault victim advocates employed by the state, not the institution of higher education.,agree%20to%20at%20that%20time.%E2%80%9D


Bedera, Nicole, Kristjane Nordmeyer, and Kathryn Holland. 2023. “‘I Could Never Tell My Parents’: Barriers in Queer Women’s Disclosure College Sexual Assault Disclosure to Family Members.” Violence Against Women. 29(5): 800-816.


Bedera, Nicole, and Kristjane Nordmeyer. 2021 “An Inherently Masculine Practice: Understanding the Sexual Victimization of Queer Women.” Journal of Interpersonal Violence 36(23/24): 11188-11211.


Bedera, Nicole and Kristjane Nordmeyer. “Forced Back into the Closet: The Impact of Sexual Violence on Sexual Identity Expression.”  In progress.

Ahmed, Sarah, editor.  2021.  Complaint.  Chapel Hill, NC: Duke University Press.